Monday, April 12, 2010

Being a Newlywed

On Sunday, Daniel and I started talking about being newlyweds and I told him there were a few things about myself that I have realized were strange since being married to him. Being single, I never realized these WEIRD things that I tend to do. Of course, they are not weird to me, but being with someone a lot has really made me realize that I do have some interesting habits. I thought I would share a few with you. Some of you probably know a few about me already, but I could probably guarantee you didn't know all of them.

1. I cannot stand live TV anymore (Please see #2). I hate commercials and cannot stand them. I never paid attention during commercials before and I could never share in funny conversations about them. Now, I have NO idea about any of them and I fine with that. I do like the Old Spice Commercial, but only because my friend showed it to me on YouTube.

2. I cannot stand to watch any judging show and hear bad critiques. On American Idol, if I know a contestant is going to be torn apart, I will fast forward. Who wants to hear or glory in someone's failures? Well - my husband does apparently. We have had many fights and scrambles for the remote control. I have actually given into him, but it has not been easy (and he is a lot stronger than I am).

3. I love to eat out and I LOVE trying new restaurants (See #4). Unfortunately, my husband also shares this feeling and we are not good influences on each other. When I was single, I didn't eat out a lot because I didn't have a permanent date. I kid myself that we have eaten out a lot recently because we are busy, but the truth is that I can cook, but I don't especially love it. I also love trying new food.

4. I LOVE sushi and sushi rolls. I could probably down at least 4 Philadelphia Rolls from Zake, but I do limit myself to 2. Daniel took me to my first sushi restaurant and I have never looked back.

5. I am a horrible side seat driver. I have no excuse for it and I do feel sorry for my husband. Ironically, I hate to drive and I love having a husband to drive for me. I feel taken care of. I promise I am working on it!

6. I go to sleep early. I can easily be in bed by 9:00 and asleep a few minutes later. It's hard because Daniel is the opposite. He stays up late. It works okay because he is usually up studying.

7. I really like sports. I didn't use to make time for them, but it is inevitable that some type of sport will be on TV. I actually enjoy watching them. Daniel and I watched the Masters on Saturday and Sunday. I had never watched golf before, but it didn't matter.

8. I usually don't finish songs on the radio or IPOD. I guess I get tired of them easily, but I usually change to another station or song before it is over.

9. I call my poor husband really random pet names. I am not proud of this fact. I have NO clue where they come from, but they are there. I just hope I don't slip in public.

This is all we came up with. I wanted to make Daniel's newlywed list, but we couldn't think of anything. What's up with that? Oh well! I LOVE my husband and we have had MANY, MANY, MANY laughs on all of the above things and I wouldn't change a thing. He wouldn't either. To be honest, my husband's humor and over all good natured attitude is what makes these things seem funny.

I love you Daniel!