Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Litte Wingard is on the Way

I want to make sure I remember how we found out I was pregnant. I am not a faithful blogger, but wish I was:) That counts right?

 Background: We made the decision to stop birth control in March. With out going into too many details you aren't interesed in, I thought it would take us a while to get pregnant. Everything I read online said it would take a while for my body to get "back to normal". I also have been on birth control for a long time because of extremely irregular, painful cycles. (That's all the details I will give about that!)

Daniel and I decided to keep it quiet from everyone that we were going to start trying. I didn't want to feel pressure or stress. I just wanted it to happen when it was meant to happen.

 Fast foward to Daniel's graduation weekend and the fact that I am a HORRIBLE liar. Daniel's sweet, sweet aunts drove down from Minnesota for his graduation. We were just catching up and his Aunt Florence asked, "When are you getting off birth control?" I just sat there and didn't know what to say. I finally told her that we went off birth control in March. I quickly told Daniel to go get his mom because we needed to tell her before one of his aunts got to her. The next day, my family came in for the graduation. I needed to tell my sisters that we were trying. As we were talking at the graduation, I realized I was a few days late at that point. I told my sisters and Ashley told me I better take a test that day.

As we were driving home on Sunday after a wonderful day of seeing Daniel graduate with his DPT & celebrating Mother's Day, we stopped at Walgreens to pick up a pregnancy test. We picked up a 3-pack one in case we needed some in the future. I really DID NOT think I was pregnant at that point, but wanted to rule it out.

We got home and I immediately took one and it came out positive. Daniel and I are literally in the bathroom in complete and shock and then we hear a knock at the door. Rachel and Nathan came over to pick up her stuff because she stayed with us the night before. Of course we didn't want to say anything yet because we were in shock. I told Daniel to hurry them out, but he kept talking and talking and talking. They FINALLY left and I decided I needed to take another one. It was positive. After that, I wasn't going to trust a Walgreens brand, so I asked Daniel to go get ANOTHER one that was name brand. I know this sounds crazy, but I really couldn't believe it! The name brand one also confirmed I was pregnant. We were so shocked, excited, nervous, etc. We decided to tell out immediate families that day because it was Mother's Day after all. We called my mom and sisters on Face Time and then drove over to tell Daniel's family. Everyone was really shocked and excited. We waited to tell everyone until we had our first couple of appointments. Everything looks great. Yesterday, we saw him/her swimming around and moving their arms and legs. It was the coolest thing EVER!

I know there have been lots of babies born and there will continue to be a lot more babies born. However, there is nothing like knowing you are creating a life. This is our little baby being born and we can't wait.