Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014 - 1st Birthday

Dear Genevieve,
I can't believe it's been a year since we first met you. It has been a WONDERFUL year. I have decided break down this post by words that come to mind as I reflect on this year and a book that spells out exactly how I feel about you.

Magical - Everything about has been simply magical when I think of you. From finding out about you on Mother's Day and Daddy's Graduation Day, to visiting the doctor and watching you grow, to your delivery, and finally watching you grow and develop. I am equally excited about the arrival of your brother/sister in July, but it feels different because I know what to expect down the road. It's equally magical, but feels different.

Theory - Way before you were born, I would speak of my theory on why we have the innate need/desire to have kids. To be honest, I wasn't sure I wanted to have children. I think my head was trying to talk me out of it. You are a BIG responsibility, I wasn't sure I would do a good job, etc., etc., etc. However, my heart wanted to have you and be a mom. Why? Well my theory that has become reality is: God wants us to have sweet children to realize how much he loves us and to truly understand what he gave us when he sacrificed his son on the cross. This is so true. Because of you, I can better understand the love my Father has for me to give up his son.